Thursday, June 27, 2013

DIY: Dinner Placecards by Marilyn

At the same party I was referring to yesterday, I was able to make these fun place cards. These are so much fun because they add a uniqueness and 'handmade feel' to the party. They are great for any wedding or birthday or other special event. I made these for a birthday, but you are welcomed to replace the number with any letter or initial to customize to your needs. I feel that these place cards add a nice signature and definition to the party as well. Handmade things usually give a sense of warmth to any atmosphere. I always feel the love just a tiny bit more when I receive a handmade card over a store-bought one. If you haven't picked up your pen in a while, I challenge you to make some cards. Even if it's not for a party, make someone's day by drawing them a little card or note.
Photography by Marilyn Nimz
Step 1: Gather your materials. You will need 1 roll of postal wrapping paper (available in the mailing section at most major stores), 1 card the same size as the cards you are wanting to make, 1 pencil, 1 regular Sharpie, 1 fine-tip Sharpie, and 1 gel pen (with a fine tip). All of your Sharpies/pens need to be black.

Step 2: Trace your card on the postal paper using your pencil. Cut out your card shape from the postal paper. If you are creating multiples, it might be best to do them all at once.

Steps 3-4: Trace two parenthesis marks around the circle using your gel pen. Or use your pencil first if you are afraid you might mess up the first time. Then go over this with the gel pen.

Step 5: Use your fine-tip Sharpie to draw small outlines of leaf shapes.

Step 6: Fill in your leaf outlines with the regular Sharpie.

Steps 7-8: Draw your number or letter in the center of your leaves using your fine-tip Sharpie. The use your gel pen to smooth over any mistakes.

Step 9: You are finished! Use your gel pen to go back over anything you want to make more detailed. But for the most part, it may be more appreciated if your place cards have more of a non-perfected look. If you feel uncomfortable, try it a few times with your pencil first.


  1. These are so pretty! I love this idea for a birthday card!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. Super cute! These are lovely.

    Alex from

  3. tres cute.

    - Janine

  4. These are so beautiful! I love them!

  5. So cool! I love the idea of a personalised name card! You could get them to suit anything theme you want.


  6. I love this idea!! Thanks for the idea. :)

  7. I love these! So simple and cute. Thanks for sharing!

    xx Kait

    ChickadeeSays Bloglovin

  8. This is such a good idea! I'm gonna stop by your blog for some inspiration for my upcoming birthday party!

