Thursday, January 31, 2013

Work/Weekend Wear: Fashion by Kaleb

This outfit is a combination of what I wear to work and what I wear on the weekend. I am pretty fortunate that my works dress code is business casual, but probably leaning more to the casual side of the spectrum. This allows me to get away with wearing beanies to work on a regular basis. Especially since it has been a little chilly lately. 

I recently purchased this orangish-brown vest and it has been hard for me not to wear every day. I bought a black vest that is pretty similar; so for the days I don't wear it I can trade off and wear the black one. I have found that vests are a great way to layer without completely hiding what is underneath. In this case the checkerboard pattern of my flannel pearl snap can still be seen and breaks up the solid colors. 

These are my favorite pair of jeans. It is not very often I find a pair of jeans that fit well, but these Converse slim cut fit my lanky, tall body perfectly. You can't see my socks, but I received a few pair of what I like to call "Mountain Man Wool Socks" for Christmas. These keep your feet extra warm on those cold days and complement the ruggedness of the vest. Last but not least are my trusty Brown Leather Sahara boots, in my opinion every man should have a pair of casual boots that can dress up an outfit. In this case they worked great to maintain that rugged/casual look. 

Layout/photos by Kaleb and Marilyn Nimz

Shirt // 44mm Work Wear
Vest // Forever 21
Beanie // Forever21
Socks // Mountain Man Wool socks - find similar


  1. Ahh what I wouldn't give for my future career to be business casual. Being an art teacher requires you to look semi professional.
    For the time being though, I will dress as casually as a like as a barista.
    Nice man style, Kaleb.

    1. Thanks Leah! Oh yes it would be great if every job allowed you to be a little more business casual. Nonetheless, we love your styles you post about. :)
